
Press + Release


Speedy Motorcycle® in the Culture Stream:
We are proud to be featured in a review for Tiny Dynamite's Perfect Blue:
“The first impressive aspect of the production of Perfect Blue, a play about an environmental disaster in the near future, is the carefully prepared program. Speedy Motorcycle® Studio’s presentation and printing are, in themselves, enough to commend it. The contents of the 16-page brochure include a mini-glossary of genetic terms and a timeline of genetic discoveries, helping the audience become familiar with the technical terms that fly by in the play.”
Margaret Darby / Delco Culture Vultures

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Speedy Motorcycle® in the Blogosphere:
Tiny Dynamite's new play, Perfect Blue, is brilliant! We loved designing all the print collateral for this Philadelphia-based theatre company — and they had some kind words about us and our design process in their blog:
“Considering content for the flyer for a show is an illuminating process. For Perfect Blue, I worked alongside Speedy Motorcycle® Studio… The two images our brilliant graphic designer ended up choosing feel like the perfect fit. I’m thrilled with the result and can’t wait to distribute the flyers. There is something thrilling about seeing a production take wings on paper. Maybe that is why they call it a ‘flyer.’” – Emma Gibson / Tiny Dynamite

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Speedy Motorcycle® in AGDA Annual:
American Graphic Design & Advertising Annual 31, published by HarperCollins, recently featured our "Speedy Motorcycle® Abstract Studio Logo."